Thursday, May 28, 2009

5/28/09:: Dan's Birthday

Tonight we celebrated Dan Buxton's 21st birthday!  Dan has been one of my greatest friends here, so it was fun to have this night out with him.  We met up with him at The Hawke and Hunter, which turned out to be one of the most expensive adventures of my life.  It was a very cool, posh place with a garden on the first floor that was lit up and smoker-friendly.  Lovely.

I had made Dan an extremely atrocious pop-up birthday card, which of course, I lost before I saw him.  Someone in that super posh bar found it and probably peed their pants laughing at it.  I'm gutted that I never found it.

Afterward, Claire, Dan, the girls, and I ventured to Po Na Na's for cheaper drinks.  We had a good few twirls on the dance floor, knocked back a few more vodka lemonades, and then called it a night.  

I spent more money on drinks this night than I truly ever care to do again.

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