Kelly takes on Tampa + 17 hours on the road = photographic gems?

Just kidding. It's more like, I will wear his clothes and eat all our food and get nothing done because he is not here to scold me into doing my homework. Thus, productivity is low at the moment, and I am listening to Les Miserables on full volume because I can (which is either making me more in tune with my inner-revolution or it's turning me into a nutcase).
But really, to the good stuff:
While being back in Detroit has indeed been like finally birthing the child that I've been carrying around for 9 months, part of the satisfaction of it is lost to the fact that, well, it's pretty much the same as it was when I left. Bummer.
I play a lot of Guitar Hero. I'm working on a 3D poster and am plotting ways to get back overseas before next August. I bought a Remington typewriter today on Ebay. I wear glasses when I read (finally starting to go blind). And I'm practicing for married life by trying to shave my legs at least once a week. My future-husband will appreciate this.
I've been listening to a lot of Metric, Patrick Wolf, and Arcade Fire. I also have yet to post Josh and I's pictures from our roadtrip up from Tampa. That is mostly because they are terrible close-up shots of each other driving/leaning on the hood of the car at rest stops. We suck.
My first critique since being back went terribly, despite my excitement for the project. I almost went into tears, as I was running on no sleep and was no longer used to the American art school abuse. I've gotta callous up. Turn my creativity back to yellow dead skin. Yes. That's phase two of Kelly's Re-entry into American Life. Hope I don't burn up. Wish me luck.
I'm temporarily disbanding from the realm of sexual pleasure and emotional involvement. Although I can live without one or the other, I've never before attempted to subtract both from the equation. It might turn me into a schoolwork sci-borg, but that's precisely the plan. Watch me as I master the illusion of passion for my career. Clap at the end. It's gonna be a good show.

This is what's been going on.
1 comment:
Well well well... Looks like I'm gonna have to go Taubman on your ass and install 300 security cameras in our apartment.
haha jkjk
I'm pretty much right there with you.
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