Sunday, May 24, 2009

5/24/9 :: Meadows Days

Since yesterday was in fact the worst day of my life, it was only fair that karma even things out.  I stayed in bed late, showered, and made my way to the meadows to meet friends for a barbecue.  It wasn't the best weather, but it didn't really matter-- we made a nice day of it anyway.  Food and drinks and cigarettes and cameras and good people.  

It was mostly the 2nd years, but Joe and Shannon were there from my class.  Just a good day of recovery and good chat.  Afterward, we were all supposed to meet at a pub, but I stayed home and edited photos instead.  Carian taught me his technique for making photographs look old-- practiced on my favorite photos from the day.  I think it's fitting for the kind of mood the day resonated.  I'll always remember this day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love these! you gotta show me this. I miss you sooo much!!!!