Monday, January 26, 2009

1/25/9 :: Burn's Day

I slept in today, and then had the most lovely day.  I planned some activities for myself, starting with going to The Royal Museum of Scotland.  I took pictures from the terrace on top of the building, including the one above.  The views from up there are aaaamazing, but unfortunately, they keep you gated so far from the edge that it's hard to get a picture without a load of concrete at the bottom.  Also, it helps if you take notice that you've set your camera on manual focus.  Most of my pictures were blurry-- I'm such a turd.

Today was Burn's day, a holiday in celebration of the Scottish poet, Robert Burns.  It's tradition to read his poetry and eat the national dish, haggis.  I didn't have any haggis today though-- for shame.  The museum was packed because of it, so I didn't stay long.  I bought some postcards for everyone back home, and took myself grocery shopping.  I made myself a proper lunch and just relaxed for the rest of the afternoon.

In the evening, I joined Joe, Shonagh, Sarah, Kirtsen, and Anna at a gorrrrgeous italian restaurant on George Street called Gusto.  I ordered the most delicious pasta with salmon and lots of cocktails!  Afterward, we went to my favorite pub, The Tron.  I don't think I've ever laughed so much.  I love it here.  I don't think I'm ever going to want to leave.


Mr.Anonymous said...


anialexanian said...

okay so i finally know where you are. i've got google maps out. and i think you should hit up all the places.

from edinburgh to barcelona (by car)
1,341 mi – about 21 hours 21 mins