Sunday, May 31, 2009
5/31/09 :: Circus Intermission

Saturday, May 30, 2009
5/30/9 :: Spring/Summer Collection

Tonight was the second "graphic fashion" party-- celebrating bad fashion one more time. This time, it was themed the spring and summer collection. I re-ignited my good old gold suit by cutting off the arms and legs and adding some black tights. I even commemorated the last party by drinking my vodka coke out of a jack daniel's bottle.
The party was fan-fucking-tastic, as per usual. Lindsey and I lasted till about 6:30am before she left the party with Luke, and I lazed in Tom's bed. Finally, Jamie and I caught a taxi to meet Linds and Luke in the meadows. We had a good drunken frisbee session till 8am. Lindsey and I stayed up to go to Subway when it opened at 10am, and it was probbbbably the best sandwich of my life. Needless to say, when my head finally hit the pillow sometime around 11, I was done for.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
5/28/09:: Dan's Birthday

I had made Dan an extremely atrocious pop-up birthday card, which of course, I lost before I saw him. Someone in that super posh bar found it and probably peed their pants laughing at it. I'm gutted that I never found it.
Afterward, Claire, Dan, the girls, and I ventured to Po Na Na's for cheaper drinks. We had a good few twirls on the dance floor, knocked back a few more vodka lemonades, and then called it a night.
I spent more money on drinks this night than I truly ever care to do again.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
5/27/09 :: The Circus

We celebrated our first night out by going to City, which was simply unusual, to be certain. I brought home Liam, which was a joke and a half. He seemed to think I was some sort of celebrity because I am American. Not that I'm complaining, but it was truly weird. To get him to leave, I pretended like I had to go to work and did a walk around the block in business casual clothes at 7:30am. Hilarious.
We didn't see much of Sara on this night, as she was with Scott. The card castle is from Lindsey and I the next morning-- bored waiting for Sara to get out of bed. Turns out we'd have to wait till 4pm.
My life truly has become a circus.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
5/24/9 :: Meadows Days

It was mostly the 2nd years, but Joe and Shannon were there from my class. Just a good day of recovery and good chat. Afterward, we were all supposed to meet at a pub, but I stayed home and edited photos instead. Carian taught me his technique for making photographs look old-- practiced on my favorite photos from the day. I think it's fitting for the kind of mood the day resonated. I'll always remember this day.
personal project
Saturday, May 23, 2009
5/23/9 :: Worst Day
[picture coming soon!]
Today was the worst day of my life. Hands down.
It was my first day of work for the temp agency-- which I thought meant pushing pints at the Heineken cup with Shannon and Tom. (The Heineken Cup is sort of liiike... The Superbowl of rugby). I had a feeling, however, that it was too good to be true. I was right. Instead, Tom got put on the bar, and Shannon and I were sent off to work at Finest Cheeseburgers, a burger van on the other corner of the stadium. It was hot, disgusting, and unsanitary-- hundreds of people crowded up for food with drunken faces. There were no registers, so we were stuck doing all the math in our heads. I worked 8 or 9 hours without a break-- no bathroom, no food, no cigarettes, nothing. We even had to stay late to clean up the mingin van with some lady who I'm pretty sure had the swine flu. I could write all day about how awful it was, but you'd never get the true picture unless you were there.
After we got off work (sometime around 9:30), Shannon and I made the long trek home... our feet swollen to the size of tanks. We sang Disney tunes and limped the whole way back from Murrayfield.
When I got home, I got a ring from Jack-- as it was our night to meet up. I rushed into the shower and out to vodka rev, where I was due to meet him around midnight. My feet were unbelievably sore, and my tights smelled like burgers, but I tried to make myself presentable. When he finally showed up, I felt loads better. I couldn't believe someone so beautiful was there to see me! I finished my drink, and Jack and I headed off to Potterrow to go dancing together.
We waited in the long queue and chatted each other up. I had lost Lindsey and Sara multiple times in the night already, so I tried to prepare myself for a night alone with Jack. I was nervous because he was just so lovely-- I started to think maybe I had finally met someone in Europe that would last longer than a second. When we got inside, we bought drinks and danced together. It seemed like everything was going great-- we were kissing and talking a lot. I could tell something was off though-- he wasn't being totally himself.
After a bit, I suggested we step into the hall, so I could text the girls. I wanted to find them to take some of the pressure away from Jack and me. It was then that he dropped the bomb on me. When we got outside the dance floor, he said, "Good, now we can talk." We had been talking almost all night, so I knew this was no ordinary talk. He began, "Promise not to get mad at me..." Before he even finished his sentence, I knew what was coming-- "I have a girlfriend." Then why text me? Why meet up with me? Why KISS me? I was completely humiliated. He made it worse by telling me he was using me to make her jealous. I see this stuff in the teen movies all the time, but I just never expected it to happen to me. I guess I just assume that everyone is decent, when really, I should have my guard up. WAY up. I was heart-broken. I had been looking forward to this night for weeks.
I went outside on my own and sat down on the wall. I began frantically texting Lindsey and Sara. I was ready to go home, and I was just trying desperately not to cry. No answer from either of them, so I tried to catch a taxi. My feet were swollen, and I was scared I was going to start crying-- but no taxi would drive me since I lived so close. I walked home alone and just made it in the door before I started bawling my eyes out. Thankfully, Josh was online to talk to me, but I'm sure I was barely making sense between the weeping and heaves. I sent Jack a message telling him what he did was terrible, and he better not do that to anyone else. If I could rewind time, I would've been a lot meaner. He deserved to really be told off.
Worst day ever.
Friday, May 22, 2009
5/22/9 :: Goodbye Gary and Why Not

After that, I met back up with Lindsey and Sara. Lindsey was in her finest form ever, and Sara and I struggled for a long time to get her home, haha. We took lots of video and photographs to ensure that the next day she could see what a state she was in. Ended the night with the chippy and some good music in my room.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
5/21/9 :: Revisiting The One Below

I've really been aware of how limited my time is here, so every time I get to have one of these kinds of nights, it's like a band aid on a wound. I am going to miss every one so much when I go. It almost makes me sick to think about it.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
5/19/9 :: PWOLF and Biddys

I went with Linds and Sar to get my ticket today, followed by pints somewhere around George Street. In the evening, we got saucy at Biddy Mulligan's with a few American tourists.
Highlights (and lowlights):
hearing wonderwall at biddy's (traumatizing)
proposing to lindsey
giving away my tequila shot
ginger minger + 22
Sunday, May 17, 2009
5/17/9 :: Cheek Skin Snack
5/16/9 :: Yankee Fuck

After the winner was announced, we played a few drinking games and went out to a few bars off of George Street. The entire night was full of good people and good laughs.
Also, on another high note, I got a text from Jack out of nowhere (though I admit I've thought his name was Zach this whole time, haha). We are supposed to be meeting up this week, and I'm really kind of giddy about it.
Friday, May 15, 2009
5/15/9 :: Shanghai Before Wales

It was a sign. Lindsey and I knew we were meant to go out.
We rushed to get ready and tried to go to Why Not, but it was already at capacity. We settled for free entry into Shanghai instead. I kissed some guy in a v-neck named David. And we met a bunch of Polish rudes.
The real champion of the evening, however, was Lindsey. She was leaving for Wales the next morning and hadn't even started packing. Classic.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
5/14/9 :: Faking Recovery

Today was my first attempt at getting back on the wagon with my friends again. I met Lindsey and Sara for catch and some cider on the meadows in the nice weather. Genius times. Sara and I ended the enjoyable afternoon by crashing into Shannon's flat to use her bathroom. Neither of us could make it the extra block to Sara's flat. TOO MUCH CIDER.
I got ready at Sara's (borrowed a dress of hers and finally saw her flat), then we met up with Luke and Van at Cab Vol. Good day. Interesting evening.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
5/13/9 :: My English Romance?
always loved this song and the teenagers, but now it's just too true to handle.
Monday, May 11, 2009
5/11/9 :: Khushi's

Tonight was the end-of-assessment celebration. I wasn't really feeling healthy enough for it, but I figured it could possibly be one of the last times my whole class is together. I didn't want to miss it. We all met at Khushi's, an Indian restaurant right across the street from where I got my tattoo done. The place is BYOB, so I think we must've had about 22 bottles of wine on the table. I drank Tennents because I'm a real class act.
The meal was amazing-- chicken jalfrezi to die for! Afterward, we all walked over to the student housing to meet up with all the second years (sophomores). Everyone was sitting around in the common room, drinking and enjoying themselves. I could feel my body getting heavy and my face stuffing up. I tried to stick it out though and kept sipping on beer. By the time the group had made the decision to go to Bar Salsa and then The Hive, I was barely functioning. I walked through the grassmarket to the first pub, but only lasted there for about five minutes before I made the hike home.
Sorry I missed out on what I've heard was an amazingly crazy night out, but the meal was lovely. So glad I went.
ps. photo courtesy of shannon
Sunday, May 10, 2009
5/10/9 :: All-Nighter

Lindsey came over and we did the all-nighter together. Red Bull, lots of cigarettes, and lots of playlists. I was fine until about 5am. I started losing my voice and getting a heavy chest cough. I think I've got the flu.
Got to ECA to drop off my work, only to find that I wasn't on the list of names to be assessed. Classic. So glad I put in all that effort for nothing.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
5/9/9 :: Inked
I was really nervous, but it went fine. I was really surprised at how painful it was! I thought it would be less intense. I can't imagine people getting that done all over their bodies. He spent 45 minutes on my wrist, and that was plenty for me.
Took a good nap, had a nice lunch and dinner with friends. Pretty chill day.
My throat is still really sore, and I don't know if I can stomach a third night in a row of drinking. The girls are up for it though, so who knows.

poses + baby blanket = my life.
5/8/9 :: Kirsten's Bday

I ended up passing out in front of everyone on Claire's couch. Classy broad.
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